In Unearth, Jefta van Dinther brings together ten dancers in a bold and stripped-down choreography of body and voice. In his characteristic cross-disciplinary style, which catalogues his extensive repertoire on human behaviour and its linked ecologies, Van Dinther breaks down our impetus to feel anew — time and again.
Centred around our human drive to revive and yearning to relive, Unearth lays bare the body’s boundless mental and physical resourcefulness.
In this durational work, the audience is summoned into the intensity of repetition and to linger in the sweetness of introspection. Unearth digs into the body as material, whilst exposing both social and spiritual constructs of kinship, purpose and mortality.
1: find (something) in the ground by digging; to dig up out of or as if out of the earth: exhume
2: discover (something hidden, lost, or kept secret) by investigation or searching; to make known or public: bring to light
Choreography: Jefta van Dinther | Created and performed by: Brittanie Brown, Juan Pablo Camara, emeka ene, Leah Katz, Gyung Moo Kim, Leah Marojeviç, Dana Pajarillaga, Manon Parent, Roger Sala Reyner, Sarah Stanley, Thomas Zamolo and Jefta van Dinther | Costume: Cristina Nyffeler | Voice coach: Doreen Kutzke | Assistant choreographer: Thomas Zamolo | Artistic advice: Gabriel Smeets and Maja Zimmermann | Photo & film: Jubal Battisti
Unearth is a production by Jefta van Dinther | Production management: Uta Engel and Romy Hansford-Gerber | Distribution: Sarah De Ganck, ART HAPPENS | Administration: Jefta van Dinther (DE) and Interim kultur AB (SE) | Co-production: Norrlandsoperan Umeå | Funded by: Senate Department for Culture and Europe Berlin
Jefta van Dinther’s website

Photography ©Jubal Battisti, ©Leidinger Mattias and ©Daavid Visnjic